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This document tracks the history and evolution of the Open Data Contract Standard.

v2.2.2 - 2024-05-23 - APPROVED

  • In JSON schema validation:
  • Change dataset.description data type from array to string.
  • Change dataset.column.isPrimaryKey data type from string to boolean.
  • Change price.priceAmount data type from string to number.
  • Change slaProperties.value data type from string to oneOf[string, number].
  • Change slaProperties.valueExt data type from string to oneOf[string, number].
  • Update examples to adhere to JSON schema.
  • Full example from README directs to full-example.yaml.
  • Add in mkdocs for creating a documentation website. Check
  • Add vendors page Feel free to add anyone there.

v2.2.1 - 2023-12-18 - APPROVED

  • Reformat quality examples to be valid YAML.
  • Type of definition for authority have standard values: businessDefinition, transformationImplementation, videoTutorial, tutorial, and implementation.
  • Add in isUnique, primaryKeyPosition, partitionKeyPosition, and clusterKeyPosition to column definition.
  • Add JSON schema to validate YAML files for v2.2.1.
  • Integrated as part of Bitol.
  • Reformat Markdown tables.

v2.2.0 - 2023-07-27 - APPROVED

  • New name to Open Data Contract Standard.
  • templateName is now called standardVersion, v2.2.0 parsers should account for this change and support both to avoid a breaking change.
  • Added support for authoritativeDefinitions at the table level.
  • Added many examples.
  • Various improvements and typo corrections.
  • Finalization of fork under AIDA User Group.

v2.1.1 - 2023-04-26 - APPROVED

  • Open source version.
  • Additional value field valueExt in SLA.

v2.1.0 - 2023-03-23 - APPROVED

Data Quality

The data contract adds elements specifically for interfacing with the Data Quality tooling.

Additions: * quality (table level & column level check): * templateName (called standardVersion since v2.2.0) * dimension * type * severity * businessImpact * scheduleCronExpression * customProperties * columns * isPrimaryKey

Physical names

The data contract is a logical construct; we add more specific links to the physical world.

Service-level agreement

The service-level agreements not previously used are more detailed to follow the DP QoS pattern. See SLA.


Removed the weight for system ratings from the data contract. Their default values remain.

v2.0.0 - SUPERSEED BY V2.1.0

Guidelines & Evolution

  • Type case
  • Support for SemVer versioning.
  • Tags can have values.


  • Version of contract definition: v2.0.0. A breaking change with v1.
  • Description:
  • Purpose (text field).
  • Limitations (text field).
  • Usage (text field).
  • Domain.
  • Dictionary section:
  • Identification of masked column (encryptedColumnName property), example: the email_decrypted column would be masked by email_encrypted.
  • Flag for critical data element.
  • Added keys for transformation data (sources, logic, description).
  • Sample values.
  • Ability to specify links to authoritative sources at the column level (authoritativeDefinitions).
  • Business name.
  • List of stakeholders:
  • Username (user account).
  • Role.
  • Date in.
  • Date out.
  • Replaced by.
  • Service levels: agreements & objective orginal inspiration.
  • Price / cost.
  • Name changes to match PPaaS type case.
  • Product data:
  • productDl.
  • productSlackChannel.
  • productFeedbackUrl.
  • Renamed tables key to dataset.
  • Removed owner key. Owner is now a stakeholder role.
  • Additional quality keys:
  • description.
  • toolName.
  • toolRuleName.
  • Custom Properties.
  • Product dates:
  • generalAvailabilityDate.
  • endOfSupportDate.
  • endOfLifeDate.


  • Description of the data quantum/data artifact.
  • Roles.
  • Schema:
  • Tables, columns.
  • Data quality.
  • System rating weightage.
  • Ratings:
  • System, user, etc.